Entries by Cris

How To Nurture Relationships In a Virtual World

By now, doing things virtually has become a way of life. For event planners, this often means working with clients that you rarely or never see in person. While things are slowly starting to return to “normal,” many people are still working from home and attending events virtually. Living life behind the laptop is now […]

Make Your Hybrid Event More Accessible & Inclusive

Hybrid events became popular once Covid-19 entered our lives and, although restrictions are being lifted and in-person events are returning, this event format is expected to stick around. The adage “the more, the merrier” should come to mind when planning your hybrid event and direct you to create an inclusive event. You want everyone to have […]

Unconventional & Landmark Event Venues in the U.S.

Have you ever received an invitation to an event and had a lukewarm reaction until… you saw that the event was being held in a fabulous locale? According to a study from the Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, you’re not alone. The study found that event attendees hold the venue (and local attractions) in higher regard […]

Unconventional Spaces To Make For Memorable Event Venues

While many attendees are thrilled to be heading out to in-person events again, before you know it, they’ll also be sick to death of the same-old stuff. Conventional venues are still appropriate for certain types of events, but if you don’t want to bore your guests, thinking outside the box is the name of the […]

Bring Attendees Together Under DFI (Demand for Impact)

Many events are focused on building a brand or delivering a corporate message. These types of events have specific goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) that can help organizers prove their effectiveness. However, if your objective is to use your event to create a movement, rather than just a moment, you need to shift your focus.  Impactful […]

Event Planning: What to Expect in 2022

During late 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting lockdowns and stay-at-home mandates severely impacted the meeting and events industry. Companies and countries imposed strict travel restrictions, while mask and social distancing mandates put a damper on live occasions. What a difference a year makes. IIn 2021, the meeting and event industry adapted to pandemic-created challenges, […]

Ensure a Positive Experience at Live Post-Covid Events

No one can deny that the Covid-19 pandemic has affected all facets of our lives, including face-to-face gatherings.  Now that restrictions and mandates have been somewhat relaxed, people are yearning to shed their comfy sweats and pajamas, stop Zoomin’, and get back to making real emotional connections. Event managers recognize this and although virtual and hybrid […]

7 Ways to Prepare for your Hybrid Event

Back in the day – in other words, before COVID-19 – getting ready for meetings and events meant time, preparation, and planning. But live functions had to move to hybrid and virtual platforms due to coronavirus-driven lockdowns and social distancing mandates. While the way in which meetings and events content is presented differs from pre-2020, […]