In event management, maximizing return on investment (ROI) is a top priority for event planners, directors, and coordinators. A successful event not only covers its costs but also generates significant value for stakeholders, attendees, and exhibitors. One of the most effective ways to ensure a high ROI is through the seamless integration of event management solutions. This post will explore how integrated solutions can drive event success and maximize ROI with the right tools and advanced strategies.

Understanding Event ROI

Event ROI measures the financial return generated by an event compared to its costs. This includes not just direct revenue from ticket sales or exhibitor fees but also indirect benefits such as brand exposure, networking opportunities, and long-term business relationships.

Factors Influencing Event ROI

Several factors can impact the ROI of an event:

  1. Attendee Experience: A positive experience increases satisfaction, leading to repeat attendance and word-of-mouth promotion.
  2. Exhibitor Success: Exhibitors who achieve their goals are more likely to return and invest more in future events.
  3. Operational Efficiency: Streamlined processes reduce costs and improve the overall event experience.
  4. Data Utilization: Leveraging data can optimize marketing efforts, improve attendee engagement, and fine-tune future events.

The Power of Integrated Solutions

Integrated event management solutions bring together various tools and functionalities into a cohesive platform. This integration enhances operational efficiency, data accuracy, and overall event management.

Benefits of Integration

  1. Streamlined Operations: Managing all aspects of an event from a single platform significantly reduces complexity and administrative burden. By consolidating tools and processes, event planners can save time and resources, allowing them to focus on delivering a superior event experience. For instance, eShow’s Registration Management system offers customizable registration forms that cater to different attendee types, ensuring a smooth registration process. Real-time reporting capabilities allow organizers to monitor registration data as it comes in, enabling quick adjustments to marketing strategies and logistical planning. Seamless payment processing integrates directly into the system, reducing the risk of financial discrepancies and simplifying financial reconciliation post-event.
  2. Data Consistency: Integrated systems ensure that all data is consistent and up-to-date across various functions, minimizing errors and enhancing decision-making. For example, eShow’s Exhibit Management suite provides a comprehensive toolset for managing exhibitors, including booth assignments, contracts, and lead retrieval. By keeping all exhibitor data in one centralized system, organizers can easily track interactions and performance metrics, ensuring that exhibitors have the necessary information to maximize their ROI. This consistency extends to attendee data, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to accurate and synchronized information.
  3. Enhanced Attendee Engagement: Engaging attendees effectively is crucial for the success of any event. eShow’s Mobile App enhances attendee engagement by offering features such as real-time updates, personalized schedules, and networking tools. Attendees can receive push notifications about session changes, exhibitor promotions, and networking opportunities, ensuring they are always informed and engaged. The app also includes interactive maps, which help attendees navigate the event space and find sessions and exhibitors of interest, thereby enhancing their overall event experience. Additionally, the app supports attendee-to-attendee messaging and social media integration, fostering a sense of community and facilitating networking. By keeping attendees engaged and connected, the app contributes to higher satisfaction rates and increased likelihood of repeat attendance.
  4. Improved Organization: Effective organization is key to successful event management. eShow’s Meeting Logistics Manager (MLM) assists meeting planners in creating function sheets, Banquet Event Orders (BEOs), and expense reports, which are crucial for managing event logistics. This tool facilitates seamless coordination by allowing vendors to access relevant worksheets and forms. By leveraging the organizational capabilities of the Conference Management Tool, event planners can keep all logistical details in one place, ensuring that all vendors have the information they need to perform their tasks effectively. This centralized access reduces errors and enhances decision-making, leading to a more efficient and successful event.

Advanced Strategies for Maximizing Event ROI

To fully leverage integrated solutions like those offered by eShow, event planners should adopt advanced strategies that ensure every aspect of the event is optimized for success.

Pre-Event Planning

  1. Set Clear, Measurable Goals: Define specific, quantifiable objectives for your event, such as increasing attendee numbers by 20% or generating a specific revenue target from exhibitor sales. Clear goals provide a roadmap for planning and execution. Using eShow’s Registration Management system, you can track these metrics in real-time and adjust your strategies accordingly. For example, if early registration numbers are lower than expected, you can ramp up marketing efforts or offer early bird discounts to boost sign-ups.
  2. Segmented Marketing Campaigns: Utilize data from previous events to segment your audience and tailor your marketing efforts. eShow’s integrated solutions allow you to capture detailed attendee information and use it to create highly targeted email campaigns, social media ads, and personalized outreach. Segmenting your audience by demographics, past behaviors, and interests enables you to deliver more relevant content and promotions, increasing engagement and conversion rates.
  3. Engage Speakers and Exhibitors Early: Securing high-quality speakers and exhibitors well in advance is crucial for generating interest and boosting attendance. eShow’s Conference Management tool offers a streamlined process for managing speaker submissions, session scheduling, and content management. Early engagement also allows more time for promotional activities, helping to build anticipation and attract a larger audience.

During the Event

  1. Leverage Real-Time Data: Monitor attendee engagement, session attendance, and exhibitor interactions in real-time. eShow’s Mobile App provides instant access to this data, allowing you to make on-the-fly adjustments to improve the attendee experience and address any issues promptly. For example, if a particular session is under-attended, you can send push notifications to attendees highlighting its importance or offering incentives to attend.
  2. Optimize Networking Opportunities: Facilitate connections between attendees, speakers, and exhibitors using eShow’s Mobile App. Features like personalized schedules, interactive maps, and networking tools help attendees make the most of their time at the event. Networking lounges, dedicated networking sessions, and matchmaking algorithms can further enhance networking opportunities, leading to more meaningful connections and higher attendee satisfaction.
  3. Enhance Exhibitor ROI: Use eShow’s Exhibit Management suite to provide exhibitors with advanced lead retrieval tools, detailed analytics, and promotional opportunities. This ensures they get the most value from their participation. Real-time lead tracking and post-event reports help exhibitors measure their success and follow up on leads efficiently, leading to higher ROI and satisfaction.

Post-Event Follow-Up

  1. Comprehensive Feedback Collection: Gather detailed feedback from attendees, speakers, and exhibitors using eShow’s integrated session and speaker evaluations. Feedback can be tied back to specific attendees, sessions, and speakers with speaker evaluation results shared directly with speakers. This data can provide valuable insights into what worked well and what needs improvement. Structured feedback forms and real-time analysis allow for quick identification of areas needing attention and help in planning future events.
  2. Analyze and Act on Data: Review the data collected during the event to assess performance against your goals. eShow’s Conference Management tool offers detailed analytics on session attendance, speaker ratings, and overall attendee satisfaction. Identifying patterns and trends in this data helps in understanding attendee preferences and improving future event strategies.
  3. Share Results and Future Plans: Communicate the outcomes of the event with stakeholders, highlighting successes and outlining plans for addressing any challenges. Detailed reports and presentations build trust and demonstrate the event’s value. Sharing these insights with your team and stakeholders ensures that everyone is aligned and informed, setting the stage for future collaboration and success.

Results of eShow’s Impact

  1. Increasing Registration and Attendance: Increase event registration and attendance by implementing the Registration Management system. The customizable forms and real-time reporting allow event organizers to optimize marketing efforts and streamline the registration process.
  2. Enhancing Exhibitor ROI: Increase exhibitor satisfaction with Exhibit Management. The integrated lead retrieval tools and detailed analytics provide exhibitors with valuable insights, enabling them to make the most of their participation.
  3. Improving Attendee Engagement: Increase attendee engagement by leveraging eShow’s Mobile App. Real-time updates, personalized schedules, and interactive maps keep attendees informed and connected throughout your event.

How Integrated Solutions Can Transform Your Event ROI

Maximizing event ROI is a multifaceted challenge that requires careful planning, execution, and follow-up. Integrated event management solutions like those offered by eShow provide the tools necessary to streamline operations, enhance attendee engagement, and improve data accuracy. By following advanced strategies and leveraging these integrated solutions, event planners can drive success and maximize ROI for their events.For more information on how eShow’s suite of integrated solutions can help you achieve your event goals, view our suite of solutions.

In the dynamic landscape of conference organization, every detail matters. From the initial call for abstracts to the final session scheduling, each step plays a crucial role in shaping the success of an event. Amidst this complexity, one often-overlooked aspect stands out as a game-changer: customizable reporting.

Customizable reporting is more than just a feature; it’s a powerful tool that empowers conference organizers to make informed decisions, optimize processes, and elevate the overall attendee experience. In this blog, we’ll delve into the significance of customizable reporting in abstract submissions and explore how it can revolutionize your conference planning journey.

Why Customizable Reporting Matters

At its core, customizable reporting provides conference organizers with the flexibility to tailor reports according to their specific needs and objectives. Whether you’re tracking abstract submissions, evaluating review scores, or analyzing attendee demographics, customizable reporting puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to extract insights that matter most to your conference’s success.

Uncovering Actionable Insights

One of the key benefits of customizable reporting is its ability to uncover actionable insights from the vast pool of abstract submissions. By customizing report parameters such as submission categories, keywords, or review scores, organizers can pinpoint trends, identify top-performing submissions, and address potential gaps in content diversity. Armed with these insights, organizers can curate a conference program that resonates with attendees and delivers maximum value.

Driving Informed Decision-Making

In the fast-paced world of conference planning, informed decision-making is paramount. Customizable reporting equips organizers with the data they need to make strategic decisions at every stage of the abstract submission process. Whether it’s adjusting review criteria, fine-tuning session themes, or allocating resources effectively, customizable reports serve as a reliable compass, guiding organizers towards optimal outcomes.

Enhancing Collaboration and Transparency

Effective collaboration is the cornerstone of successful conference planning. Customizable reporting facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among stakeholders by providing a centralized platform for data sharing and analysis. By granting access to relevant reports and insights, organizers can foster transparency, align objectives, and streamline decision-making processes, ultimately driving greater efficiency and synergy across teams.

Maximizing Conference Potential

In the competitive landscape of conferences and events, maximizing potential is the ultimate goal. Customizable reporting plays a pivotal role in unlocking the full potential of your conference by enabling organizers to iterate, innovate, and adapt in real-time. Whether it’s identifying emerging trends or tracking attendee engagement metrics, customizable reporting empowers organizers to stay agile, responsive, and ahead of the curve.

Final Thoughts

Customizable reporting is not just a feature—it’s a catalyst for success in the world of conference abstract submissions. With eShow’s comprehensive suite of tools and intuitive platform, you can simplify abstract submissions, optimize reporting, and deliver exceptional conference experiences. Learn more about how eShow can enhance your events today!

7 Industry Secrets for Maximizing Exhibition Impact

Exhibiting at industry events can be a powerful way to showcase your products or services, connect with potential customers, and ultimately drive business growth. However, simply showing up at a trade show or expo isn’t enough to guarantee success. To truly maximize exhibit booth investment, you need to employ strategic techniques that set you apart from the competition. In this blog, we’ll uncover seven industry secrets that can help you do just that.

1. Start Early and Plan Strategically

One of the most crucial secrets to maximizing exhibit sales is to start early and plan strategically. Don’t wait until the last minute to secure your booth space or design your exhibit. Instead, begin the process well in advance, allowing ample time for research, planning, and execution. By starting early, you can ensure that you secure a prime location on the event floor and create a booth design that effectively attracts and engages attendees.

2. Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Before you even set foot on the event floor, it’s essential to establish clear goals and objectives for your exhibit. What do you hope to achieve by participating in the event? Are you looking to generate leads, increase brand awareness, or close sales on the spot? By defining your objectives upfront, you can tailor your exhibit strategy to align with your overarching goals, increasing your chances of success.

3. Focus on Engagement and Interaction

In today’s crowded trade show landscape, simply having a visually appealing booth isn’t enough to capture attendees’ attention. To stand out from the crowd and maximize exhibit sales, focus on creating interactive and engaging experiences for visitors. Incorporate elements like product demonstrations, interactive displays, or hands-on activities that encourage attendees to interact with your brand and learn more about your offerings.

4. Leverage Technology to Drive Sales

Technology can be a powerful tool for driving exhibit sales and enhancing the attendee experience. Consider integrating technologies like interactive touchscreen displays, virtual reality experiences, or mobile apps into your exhibit to showcase your products or services in innovative ways. Additionally, leverage digital tools for lead capture and follow-up, making it easy to collect attendee information and nurture relationships post-event.

5. Train Your Staff to Sell

Your booth staff play a critical role in maximizing exhibit sales, floorplan management, and success in the exhibit hall. Ensure that your team is properly trained to engage with attendees, answer questions, and effectively communicate the value of your offerings. Provide ongoing training and support to ensure that your staff is equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to drive sales and deliver an exceptional customer experience.

6. Offer Incentives

Incentives can be a powerful motivator for driving exhibit sales and attracting attendees to your booth. Consider offering special promotions, discounts, or giveaways exclusive to event attendees to entice them to stop by and learn more about your products or services. By offering something of value, you can increase foot traffic to your booth and generate leads that have a higher likelihood of converting into sales.

7. Measure, Analyze, and Iterate

Finally, don’t forget to measure the effectiveness of your exhibit strategy and analyze the results to identify areas for improvement. Track key metrics like booth traffic, lead generation, and sales conversion rates to gauge the success of your efforts. Use this data to inform future exhibit strategies, making adjustments and iterations as needed to continually improve your sales performance.

Maximizing your trade show budget requires a combination of strategic planning, engaging experiences, and continuous improvement. By implementing these industry secrets into your exhibit strategy, you can elevate your presence at trade shows and expos, drive more sales, and ultimately achieve greater success for your business.

At eShow, we offer a full suite of options for live, virtual, or hybrid events. Our team of experts will help you curate the perfect package for your needs. Contact us now to learn more about our event management solutions and take your exhibit sales to the next level.

Organizing a successful event involves many moving parts, but one of the most critical aspects is ensuring that your speakers are informed and well-prepared. Well-prepared speakers are more likely to deliver engaging presentations, attract attendees, and contribute to the overall success of your event. In this blog post, we’ll explore some best practices for efficiently managing sessions and speakers to ensure the success of your events.

1. Start Early: Begin the speaker management process as early as possible. Reach out to potential speakers well in advance to secure their participation and provide them with ample time to prepare their presentations. Early planning helps avoid last-minute stress and ensures that speakers have enough time to develop high-quality content.

2. Clear Communication: Maintain open and transparent communication with your speakers throughout the planning process. Clearly communicate expectations, deadlines, and any logistical details related to their presentations. Send reminders when deadlines are approaching. Provide them with all the necessary information and resources they need to prepare effectively.

3. Set Clear Guidelines and Expectations: Establish clear guidelines and expectations for speaker presentations. Provide detailed instructions regarding presentation length, content requirements, and any technical specifications. Clear guidelines help ensure consistency across presentations and minimize the need for revisions. Let them know what to expect at their session (AV, room setup, type of microphones, etc.).

4. Leverage Technology: Invest in event management software or platforms that streamline the speaker management process. Look for features that allow you to easily manage speaker profiles, session schedules, and presentation materials. Technology can help automate repetitive tasks, send reminders to speakers, and ensure smooth coordination between speakers and organizers.

5. Provide Support: Offer support and assistance to your speakers throughout the planning process. Be responsive to their questions and concerns, and offer guidance or resources to help them overcome any challenges they may encounter. Providing support shows your speakers that you value their contributions and are committed to their success.

6. Foster Engagement: Encourage speaker engagement and participation before, during, and after the event. Invite speakers to participate in promotional activities like blog interviews, to generate excitement and attract attendees. Create social media posts and graphics that your presenters can share.  During the event, encourage speakers to interact with attendees through Q&A sessions or networking opportunities.

7. Show Appreciation: Finally, don’t forget to express gratitude and appreciation to your speakers for their time and contributions. A simple thank-you note or token of appreciation can go a long way in building positive relationships and encouraging speakers to participate in future events.

By implementing these practices, you can efficiently manage sessions and speakers and ensure the success of your events while keeping your speakers up-to-date and engaged. Remember that happy speakers are key to creating memorable and impactful events that leave a lasting impression on attendees.If you’re looking for an event management solution that can help streamline the speaker management process and enhance the overall attendee experience, consider exploring eShow’s comprehensive suite of event management tools. With features designed to simplify speaker management, streamline session scheduling, and enhance attendee engagement, eShow can help take your events to the next level.

Ensuring your events captivate and deliver impact to your audience demands a data-driven approach. Fortunately, the landscape of events is rich with data, offering event marketers abundant opportunities to fine-tune sessions and craft memorable experiences for attendees. Delve further into 3 data strategies aimed to optimize the impact of your next event. 

  1. Real-time Analytics Monitoring 

By leveraging the robust capabilities of real-time analytics, event organizers can effectively segment their audience based on demographics, preferences, and behavior, allowing them to precisely tailor every aspect of their virtual event, from content curation to marketing communications and interactive features. This targeted approach ensures that each attendee receives a personalized experience that resonates with their interests and preferences, ultimately leading to heightened engagement levels and increased satisfaction throughout the event journey.


  • Gain real-time insights into attendee behavior to adapt event strategies on the fly.
  • Increase attendee engagement by delivering personalized content and experiences in real-time.
  1. Post-Event Analysis and Feedback

Mobile apps are instrumental in facilitating post-event analysis and feedback processes, offering event organizers a direct channel to gather valuable insights from attendees. With features like immediate session review and post-conference surveys, organizers can quickly assess attendee satisfaction, session popularity, and overall event success. 

With eShow, attendees have the option of providing feedback through our Mobile App or our event website, ensuring accessibility for all attendees and offering added convenience for those already utilizing the app. By leveraging these tools, organizers can identify areas of improvement and implement suggested enhancements, ultimately enhancing the attendee experience and driving success for future events.


  • Identify areas of success and improvement for future events through comprehensive post-event analysis.
  • Enhance attendee satisfaction and loyalty by addressing feedback and implementing suggested improvements.
  1. Integration of External Data Sources

Incorporate data from external sources such as AMS & CRM systems and marketing automation tools to enhance your understanding of attendees and their preferences. Leveraging this integrated data can help personalize event experiences, improve targeting, and drive higher attendance and engagement.


  • Improve event targeting and segmentation by leveraging data from external sources.
  • Maximize event ROI by understanding attendee preferences and interests more deeply through integrated data analysis.

Final Thoughts

Embracing data-driven strategies is essential for maximizing the impact of events. These insights not only enable organizers to tailor every aspect of the event to meet attendee expectations but also empower them to continuously refine and enhance future event planning and strategies. With a data-driven approach at the forefront, organizers can ensure that their events deliver memorable experiences that resonate with attendees and drive long-term success.

Discover how eShow’s products can elevate the success of your next event with a personal demo.

In the fast-paced world of event planning, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. The year 2024 brings forth a wave of innovations and enhancements, and eShow stands at the forefront, committed to elevating your event planning game. In this blog, we will share eShow’s latest product enhancements that we help you better plan and execute your events. 

Bridging the Gap with Technology

In 2024, technology is playing a pivotal role in enhancing event execution. According to a study done by Amex GBT, mobile apps (61%), check-in tools (47%), and wearable technologies (30%) are emerging as the top technologies shaping the event landscape.

Moreover, a staggering 67.4% of organizers express their intent to change their event management software vendor within the next year, highlighting the dynamic nature of the industry. (Bizzabo)

Product Enhancements: What’s New at eShow?

Floor Plan Design Studio

Revolutionizing the way you design event spaces, the Floor Plan Design Studio brings collaboration to the forefront. With real-time editing, drag-and-drop functionality, and better navigation control, creating an immersive event experience has never been easier. The ability to zoom in/out, interactive search, and branding customization add layers of depth to your event planning toolkit.

Mobile App

Embracing a Mobile-First Strategy, eShow’s redesigned mobile app ensures an enhanced user experience. From personalized itinerary creation to effortless information retrieval, the app is designed to cater to the diverse needs of event attendees. With intuitive floorplan exploration, strategic sponsorship visibility, and timely updates through push notifications, the app becomes an indispensable companion for event-goers.

Not surprisingly, 67.5% of event attendees consider a mobile event app extremely crucial. (Bizzabo)

Sponsorship Fulfillment

In the realm of event planning, efficient sponsorship fulfillment is a game-changer. eShow introduces enhanced features that not only streamline the process but also elevate the experience for both sponsors and clients.

  • Sponsors:
  • Manage Purchases
  • Task Details at a Glance 
  • Effortless File Submission 
  • Progress Tracking Made Simple
  • Automated Confirmations
  • Clients:
  • Track Progress Seamlessly
  • Approve or Reject Task Submissions 
  • Custom Notifications 
  • View Content Submissions by the Sponsor 
  • Centralized Media Collection

Final Thoughts

As we embrace 2024, let eShow be your guide in unleashing the full potential of your events. Access the latest on-demand webinar here where Jimmy Mouton, VP of Sales and Marketing, takes a deep dive into the latest product enhancements with a live demo. Elevate your planning, captivate your audience, and make this year a hallmark of success in event management.

Learn more about how eShow can help level up your next event with a personal demo.

Trade shows are one of the most effective ways to showcase products to a group of individuals who are already invested in your industry. If done correctly, they are a powerful sales tool to boost brand awareness, generate new leads, and advance marketing efforts. At eShow, we know that trade shows require time and financial commitments, consider these important factors as you evaluate which trade shows to participate in:

  1. Cost Evaluation

It’s no secret that trade shows involve a significant financial investment. Booth rental fees, promotional materials, travel and accommodation expenses, and staffing costs are all factors to consider. Conducting a cost evaluation is a great way to determine if the potential return on investment justifies the overall expenditure. Additionally, assessing the costs allows businesses to allocate their budget effectively and make informed decisions about participating in specific trade shows that align with their marketing objectives and target audience. 

  1. Target Audience

By identifying and thoroughly researching the target audience, companies can ensure that their exhibition efforts are strategically placed. This knowledge allows businesses to tailor their messaging, booth design, and promotional activities to resonate with potential customers, increasing the chances of capturing their attention and generating leads. Without a clear understanding of the target audience, companies risk wasting valuable resources and missing out on opportunities to connect with their ideal customers. 

  1. Competitive Analysis

A competitive analysis allows businesses to gain an understanding of their market position and identify potential competitors who will also be present at the trade show. By analyzing competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, pricing strategies, and unique selling points, businesses can better position themselves to stand out and gain a competitive edge. Additionally, a thorough analysis enables companies to identify emerging trends, industry challenges, and gaps in the market, leading to the development of innovative products or services that address customer needs more effectively. 

  1. Event Objectives

Event objectives act as a road map, guiding the exhibitor toward achieving specific goals and desired outcomes. They provide a sense of purpose by defining what the company aims to accomplish at the trade show, whether it’s generating leads, increasing brand visibility, launching new products, or fostering customer relationships. Having well-defined event objectives enables exhibitors to plan their booth design, marketing strategies, and staffing needs accordingly, ensuring that all efforts and resources are aligned toward achieving the desired outcomes. 

  1. Logistics Planning

A well-executed logistics plan enables companies to focus on showcasing their products or services, fostering meaningful connections with potential customers, and achieving their marketing and sales objectives at the trade show. It involves meticulous coordination and organization of various aspects, such as transportation, packing, storage, and delivery of exhibit materials. By thoroughly assessing logistics requirements beforehand, exhibitors can ensure a smooth and successful event participation. Effective planning helps avoid last-minute hiccups, such as delayed shipments or mismanaged inventory, which can impact the overall impression and professionalism of the exhibition.

  1. Pre-Show Promotion

By engaging in pre-show promotion, exhibitors can create buzz and awareness about their participation, prompting attendees to add them to their itinerary and visit their booth. This proactive approach ensures that companies do not solely rely on random foot traffic, but actively entice their target audience to seek them out. It significantly increases the chances of capturing leads, generating sales, and establishing strong connections with potential clients. 

  1. Post-Show Follow-Up

Post-show follow-up allows exhibitors to make the most out of their presence and maximize their return on investment. By reaching out to potential leads, partners, and customers after the show, companies can establish and strengthen relationships, leading to potential collaborations and increased sales. Additionally, post-show follow-up allows exhibitors to gather feedback, evaluate the success of their participation, and make improvements for future shows. Without proper follow-up, valuable connections made during the trade show may fade, ultimately resulting in missed opportunities and a waste of resources.

Trade shows offer a unique opportunity to showcase products, connect with potential customers, and advance marketing efforts, but it is essential to approach them strategically to ensure a positive return on investment and long-term success in the industry.
At eShow, we offer a full suite of options for live, virtual, and hybrid events. Our team of experts will help you curate the perfect package for your needs. Contact us today to request a demo and learn more about how we can help take your event planning to a whole new level.

From choosing the perfect location to planning your promotion strategy, countless decisions go into organizing a top-notch event. Drawing on past experiences to make educated decisions is nothing new. However, today’s technology makes it easy to collect a wealth of data. This makes decision-making a breeze and helps make each event better than the last. 

Data-driven decision-making unlocks fresh and enticing prospects for event hosts, organizers, and marketers. In this article, we’ll present straightforward suggestions to help you find the data you need and leverage it to create a more effective event strategy.

Gathering Event Data

Since you can track just about everything online, it’s easy to collect all kinds of information when hosting virtual and hybrid events. Some of the best sources for gathering event data include landing pages on your event website, social media, promotional posts, and, most importantly, your virtual event management platform. It’s also possible to gather essential insights from in-person events by using on-site technology like RFID tracking and analyzing online interactions that occur before, during, and after the event. 

Here’s a look at some of the most pivotal information you can collect and use to shape future event decisions. 

Audience Demographics:

  • Age, gender, and geographic location of attendees
  • Industry or professional background of participants
  • Seniority levels of attendees (e.g., entry-level, mid-level, executives)

Attendee Preferences and Engagement

  • Number of repeat attendees
  • Session choices
  • Number of event booths visited and dwelled time at each
  • Number of workshops and sessions attended
  • Number of questions asked during Q & A sessions
  • Number of one-on-one meetings scheduled
  • Number of mobile app downloads

Expectation Management 

  • Speaker ratings
  •  Responses to post-event surveys

Virtual Engagement

  • Activity levels on chat channels
  • Live polling response rates
  • Number and quality of social media connections
  • Engagement on social media posts
  • Click rates and open rates on email communication

Technology Usage

  • Utilization of event-specific apps or software
  • Types of devices used by attendees (e.g., smartphones, tablets, laptops)
  • Feedback on the event’s technological aspects (e.g., app usability)

After the event, you can also analyze the number of leads and sales it brings to your event host, sponsors, and vendors. Doing so will help determine the return on investment (ROI) – a compelling piece of data for those in decision-making roles. 

Using Event Data for Decision Making

Once you’ve gathered your event data, you may wonder what to do with it. Effectively analyzing this information will give you the ability to improve your events consistently, ensuring an unforgettable experience every time. By using data to drive your decision-making, you can increase your conversion rates, boost attendee retention rates, and improve overall engagement. Analyzing data is also an effective way to find areas that need improvement and figure out how to correct them. 

While there are many ways to use data to improve your events, it’s important not to let it overwhelm you. Start by analyzing a few key points and making decisions based on them. Then, you can return to your data and take a deeper dive, repeating the process multiple times as you get more comfortable. Here are a few simple ways to leverage the data you’ve collected.

1. Refine Your Event Objectives

When measuring your success, few things are more valuable than cold, hard facts. Using data analytics to drive your decisions makes it easy to keep yourself focused on what really matters. The two primary objectives that always seem to rise to the top are the attendee experience and your business objectives.

Placing these at the forefront of your decision-making process helps ensure that each event you plan is a success. Even better, when it’s time to review the results with your clients, you’ll have the data to back up your decisions. 

2. Collect information on Attendee Preferences

The information you collect during your event will help you understand attendee preferences to accommodate them better going forward. For example, tracking traffic patterns will allow you to identify the most popular booths and vendors. You’ll also be able to see what types of offerings are creating the most engagement.  

This will help you decide whether to re-book speakers, choose topics attendees are interested in learning about and evaluate whether the space was suitable for your event.

3. Identify the Best Engagement Strategies 

When it comes to creating successful events, communication is indispensable. It’s critical to understand how your target audience wants to receive information. For example, an older audience may enjoy receiving email communications while younger attendees may never check their email, instead preferring to receive text messages.

If you want to make the greatest impact, don’t make assumptions! Instead, consider taking a moment before or during registration to ask your attendees about their communication preferences. Doing so will allow you to customize the experience to meet their needs and will give you better overall results. 

4. Track and Manage Vital Event Metrics

One of the best things about having so much data is that it allows you to measure the success of every touchpoint. If you’ve taken the time to define your objectives before you begin planning, you’ll easily be able to compare your results to what you were hoping to achieve. Not only does this create accountability, but it also gives you the tools you need to improve your overall event experience.

5. Effectively Promote Your Next Event

As you create a marketing plan for your next event, take the time to look at what did and didn’t work in the past. Consider factors like how many times promotional videos were viewed, how many people signed up via email, and how much activity came from social media posts. It will help you find areas where you want to double-down and identify marketing efforts that may not be the best use of your time.

eShow Makes Data Collection Easy

Each time you collect and analyze data, you’re creating a cycle of learning that allows for continual improvement. With the right tools in place, it’s easy to collect and manage many different types of data in a format that is easy to use.
From advanced registration options to a robust virtual event management platform, eShow offers everything you need to ensure the success of each event you plan. We also offer integration with AMS and CRM systems, allowing for maximum efficiency and access to real-time information. Contact us to schedule a personalized demonstration to learn more about our user-friendly tools.

As a show manager, your primary goal is to create memorable and successful events that leave a lasting impact on attendees. To achieve this, it’s crucial to recognize and embrace the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in your event planning. DEI isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a fundamental aspect of contemporary event management that can elevate your shows to new heights. Here’s why incorporating DEI into your events is not just a choice but a necessity:

Enhancing Engagement and Connection

Diverse events create a sense of belonging and connection. Attendees are more likely to engage with the content, speakers, and fellow participants when they feel represented and valued. This engagement can lead to deeper connections, networking opportunities, and overall satisfaction.

Fostering Innovation

According to a study by EventMB in 2020, out of the 150 events examined, a concerning 35-40% lacked any Black speakers. What impact do you think this has on individuals from underrepresented communities?

Diverse perspectives foster innovation and creativity. When your event includes speakers, exhibitors, and participants from different backgrounds, industries, and viewpoints, it often leads to more profound and meaningful discussions. These conversations can spark innovative ideas and solutions that might not have emerged in a less diverse environment.

Expanding Your Audience

Incorporating DEI into your events can help you reach a wider audience. A diverse lineup of speakers and content can attract attendees from various demographics and industries who might not have considered your event otherwise. This expansion of your audience can lead to increased attendance and revenue.

By welcoming a diverse range of attendees, your event becomes a catalyst for positive change in your industry and beyond. It sets a precedent for inclusivity and encourages other organizations to follow suit. As your event’s reputation for diversity and equity grows, it can become a magnet for thought leaders, experts, and influencers who are passionate about advancing these principles. This, in turn, amplifies the reach and influence of your event, creating a ripple effect that contributes to a more inclusive and equitable landscape in your field. So, expanding your audience through DEI isn’t just about business growth; it’s about driving meaningful and lasting industry-wide transformation.

Embracing Partnerships

If you’re considering working with other companies to add depth or (in the case of sponsorships) financial support to your event, do your due diligence. When researching potential partners/sponsors, look for signs that they’re actively diverse and inclusive. Are women and minorities in leadership positions within the company?  Do these companies support civil rights organizations and movements?

Add more diversity and inclusion to your event by using the products and services of companies certified as a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE). These companies are 51% owned and operated by someone who is an ethnic minority. Your partnership with MBEs can also help you reach marginalized communities.

Meeting Industry Expectations

The event industry is evolving, and DEI is becoming an industry standard. Many attendees and stakeholders expect event managers to prioritize diversity and inclusion. By embracing DEI principles, you align your events with the changing expectations of the industry and demonstrate your adaptability and responsiveness.

The 2022 Equity Benchmarking Study conducted by the Events Industry Council (EIC), featured a survey with the assistance of an AI-based chatbot. This survey engaged 1.404 event professionals from various sectors within the industry. The study yielded the following results: 

  • Employed event professionals (83% of all survey respondents) are significantly more dissatisfied with DEI in the industry than those who are self-employed or have alternative employment types.
  • 61% of all surveyed event professionals identified as White and are predominant across all job grades, with minimal representation from other ethnicities, especially in senior management (15% Black) and board (6% Black) positions.
  • Respondents who identify as Black (16%) rated their DEI experience 11% lower across all four dimensions than respondents who identified as White.  
  • More than 75% of respondents identified as female, and they are well-represented in managerial and senior roles. Six out of 10 (61%) female respondents are in ‘Senior Management’ and ‘Board’ job grades, yet they rated their DEI experience significantly lower than male respondents (21%).

Contributing to Positive Change

Events have the power to influence and shape society. By advocating diversity, equity, and inclusion, you contribute to a more inclusive and equitable world. Your events become platforms for dialogue, learning, and change, driving progress in areas such as social justice, equality, and sustainability.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating DEI into your events as a show manager isn’t just about checking boxes or meeting requirements; it’s about creating transformative experiences that leave a lasting impact on attendees and society as a whole. It’s a commitment to inclusivity, fairness, and empathy that can elevate your events to new heights of success and relevance in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world.

Once you’ve assembled your diverse lineup of speakers, let eShow help you manage the speakers and their sessions. Our Speaker & Session Management module allows you to schedule sessions with our robust conflict management tools. You can also monitor session capacity to avoid overscheduling.

This module isn’t just for your efficiency as the event manager but will also provide speakers and attendees with some pretty handy tools! Speakers can manage the details of their sessions by logging into their own personal accounts, and attendees can easily register for sessions by accessing your session schedule pages.

Using the Speaker & Session Management module, you can also create your post-event surveys, speaker evaluations, and session evaluations using the Speaker & Session Management module.  If you want to see this module in action, contact us today for a no-obligation demo; we can show you how this module and our other web-based tools operate and will help you execute legendary events! 

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, trade shows and exhibitions have become a crucial platform for companies to showcase their products and services, network with industry professionals, and generate valuable leads. However, with the multitude of attendees and interactions taking place, effectively capturing and managing leads can be a daunting task. This is where lead retrieval tools come into play, empowering exhibitors to optimize their efforts and maximize their return on investment. In this blog post, we will explore how lead retrieval has emerged as a powerful tool for exhibitors and why it should be an integral part of every trade show strategy.

1. Streamlining Lead Capture:

Traditionally, exhibitors relied on business cards and manual note-taking to collect contact information from potential leads. This approach was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors and inefficiencies. Lead retrieval tools revolutionize this process by providing a seamless and automated way to capture leads. With features like badge scanning or QR code scanning, exhibitors can effortlessly collect attendee information, including name, contact details, company, and job title. This streamlined approach ensures accuracy and enables exhibitors to focus on engaging with prospects, rather than fumbling with paperwork.

2. Real-Time Data Insights:

One of the significant advantages of lead retrieval tools is the ability to access real-time data insights. Exhibitors can instantly access and analyze the captured lead data, providing valuable visibility into the effectiveness of their trade show efforts. Metrics such as the number of leads collected, popular booth visit times, and attendee demographics can help exhibitors make informed decisions and adjust their strategies on the fly. This data-driven approach allows exhibitors to identify hot leads, prioritize follow-ups, and gauge the overall success of their participation.

3. Enhanced Lead Qualification:

Not all leads are created equal. Some may be ready to make a purchasing decision, while others might still be in the exploratory phase. Lead retrieval tools provide exhibitors with advanced lead qualification capabilities, enabling them to categorize leads based on specific criteria. Exhibitors can customize lead qualification forms to capture additional data points or use built-in survey features to gather valuable insights about attendees’ needs and interests. By segmenting leads into different categories, exhibitors can tailor their follow-up strategies and allocate resources more effectively.

4. Efficient Follow-up and Relationship Building:

The true value of lead retrieval tools lies in their ability to streamline the follow-up process. With instant access to contact information and lead insights, exhibitors can promptly reach out to prospects after the event, striking while the iron is hot. Personalized and timely follow-ups demonstrate professionalism and genuine interest, increasing the likelihood of conversion. Additionally, lead retrieval tools often integrate with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, making it seamless to import leads and maintain a centralized database for ongoing nurturing and relationship building.

5. Measurable ROI and Performance Analysis:

Trade show participation involves a significant investment of time, money, and resources. Lead retrieval tools provide exhibitors with a tangible means of measuring their return on investment (ROI). By tracking the number of leads captured, conversions, and revenue generated, exhibitors can evaluate the success of their trade show efforts. Furthermore, these tools offer valuable insights into the performance of individual sales representatives or booth staff, helping exhibitors identify areas for improvement and optimize future participation.


In the fast-paced world of trade shows and exhibitions, lead retrieval has become an indispensable tool for exhibitors. By automating lead capture, providing real-time data insights, enabling enhanced lead qualification, streamlining follow-ups, and facilitating ROI analysis, lead retrieval tools empower exhibitors to make the most out of their trade show investments. As the competitive landscape continues to evolve, exhibitors who harness the power of lead retrieval will gain a distinct advantage in

 generating high-quality leads, nurturing relationships, and ultimately driving business growth.
Learn more about how eShow can help level up your event with attendee detail tracking, Excel reporting, CEU verification and more. Our expert team is ready to find a customizable solution that fits your needs and ensures success at your next show. Generate leads on and off the show floor by booking a personal demo today.