
In the dynamic landscape of conference organization, every detail matters. From the initial call for abstracts to the final session scheduling, each step plays a crucial role in shaping the success of an event. Amidst this complexity, one often-overlooked aspect stands out as a game-changer: customizable reporting.

Customizable reporting is more than just a feature; it’s a powerful tool that empowers conference organizers to make informed decisions, optimize processes, and elevate the overall attendee experience. In this blog, we’ll delve into the significance of customizable reporting in abstract submissions and explore how it can revolutionize your conference planning journey.

Why Customizable Reporting Matters

At its core, customizable reporting provides conference organizers with the flexibility to tailor reports according to their specific needs and objectives. Whether you’re tracking abstract submissions, evaluating review scores, or analyzing attendee demographics, customizable reporting puts you in the driver’s seat, allowing you to extract insights that matter most to your conference’s success.

Uncovering Actionable Insights

One of the key benefits of customizable reporting is its ability to uncover actionable insights from the vast pool of abstract submissions. By customizing report parameters such as submission categories, keywords, or review scores, organizers can pinpoint trends, identify top-performing submissions, and address potential gaps in content diversity. Armed with these insights, organizers can curate a conference program that resonates with attendees and delivers maximum value.

Driving Informed Decision-Making

In the fast-paced world of conference planning, informed decision-making is paramount. Customizable reporting equips organizers with the data they need to make strategic decisions at every stage of the abstract submission process. Whether it’s adjusting review criteria, fine-tuning session themes, or allocating resources effectively, customizable reports serve as a reliable compass, guiding organizers towards optimal outcomes.

Enhancing Collaboration and Transparency

Effective collaboration is the cornerstone of successful conference planning. Customizable reporting facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among stakeholders by providing a centralized platform for data sharing and analysis. By granting access to relevant reports and insights, organizers can foster transparency, align objectives, and streamline decision-making processes, ultimately driving greater efficiency and synergy across teams.

Maximizing Conference Potential

In the competitive landscape of conferences and events, maximizing potential is the ultimate goal. Customizable reporting plays a pivotal role in unlocking the full potential of your conference by enabling organizers to iterate, innovate, and adapt in real-time. Whether it’s identifying emerging trends or tracking attendee engagement metrics, customizable reporting empowers organizers to stay agile, responsive, and ahead of the curve.

Final Thoughts

Customizable reporting is not just a feature—it’s a catalyst for success in the world of conference abstract submissions. With eShow’s comprehensive suite of tools and intuitive platform, you can simplify abstract submissions, optimize reporting, and deliver exceptional conference experiences. Learn more about how eShow can enhance your events today!

7 Industry Secrets for Maximizing Exhibition Impact

Exhibiting at industry events can be a powerful way to showcase your products or services, connect with potential customers, and ultimately drive business growth. However, simply showing up at a trade show or expo isn’t enough to guarantee success. To truly maximize exhibit booth investment, you need to employ strategic techniques that set you apart from the competition. In this blog, we’ll uncover seven industry secrets that can help you do just that.

1. Start Early and Plan Strategically

One of the most crucial secrets to maximizing exhibit sales is to start early and plan strategically. Don’t wait until the last minute to secure your booth space or design your exhibit. Instead, begin the process well in advance, allowing ample time for research, planning, and execution. By starting early, you can ensure that you secure a prime location on the event floor and create a booth design that effectively attracts and engages attendees.

2. Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Before you even set foot on the event floor, it’s essential to establish clear goals and objectives for your exhibit. What do you hope to achieve by participating in the event? Are you looking to generate leads, increase brand awareness, or close sales on the spot? By defining your objectives upfront, you can tailor your exhibit strategy to align with your overarching goals, increasing your chances of success.

3. Focus on Engagement and Interaction

In today’s crowded trade show landscape, simply having a visually appealing booth isn’t enough to capture attendees’ attention. To stand out from the crowd and maximize exhibit sales, focus on creating interactive and engaging experiences for visitors. Incorporate elements like product demonstrations, interactive displays, or hands-on activities that encourage attendees to interact with your brand and learn more about your offerings.

4. Leverage Technology to Drive Sales

Technology can be a powerful tool for driving exhibit sales and enhancing the attendee experience. Consider integrating technologies like interactive touchscreen displays, virtual reality experiences, or mobile apps into your exhibit to showcase your products or services in innovative ways. Additionally, leverage digital tools for lead capture and follow-up, making it easy to collect attendee information and nurture relationships post-event.

5. Train Your Staff to Sell

Your booth staff play a critical role in maximizing exhibit sales, floorplan management, and success in the exhibit hall. Ensure that your team is properly trained to engage with attendees, answer questions, and effectively communicate the value of your offerings. Provide ongoing training and support to ensure that your staff is equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to drive sales and deliver an exceptional customer experience.

6. Offer Incentives

Incentives can be a powerful motivator for driving exhibit sales and attracting attendees to your booth. Consider offering special promotions, discounts, or giveaways exclusive to event attendees to entice them to stop by and learn more about your products or services. By offering something of value, you can increase foot traffic to your booth and generate leads that have a higher likelihood of converting into sales.

7. Measure, Analyze, and Iterate

Finally, don’t forget to measure the effectiveness of your exhibit strategy and analyze the results to identify areas for improvement. Track key metrics like booth traffic, lead generation, and sales conversion rates to gauge the success of your efforts. Use this data to inform future exhibit strategies, making adjustments and iterations as needed to continually improve your sales performance.

Maximizing your trade show budget requires a combination of strategic planning, engaging experiences, and continuous improvement. By implementing these industry secrets into your exhibit strategy, you can elevate your presence at trade shows and expos, drive more sales, and ultimately achieve greater success for your business.

At eShow, we offer a full suite of options for live, virtual, or hybrid events. Our team of experts will help you curate the perfect package for your needs. Contact us now to learn more about our event management solutions and take your exhibit sales to the next level.

In the fast-paced world of event planning, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. The year 2024 brings forth a wave of innovations and enhancements, and eShow stands at the forefront, committed to elevating your event planning game. In this blog, we will share eShow’s latest product enhancements that we help you better plan and execute your events. 

Bridging the Gap with Technology

In 2024, technology is playing a pivotal role in enhancing event execution. According to a study done by Amex GBT, mobile apps (61%), check-in tools (47%), and wearable technologies (30%) are emerging as the top technologies shaping the event landscape.

Moreover, a staggering 67.4% of organizers express their intent to change their event management software vendor within the next year, highlighting the dynamic nature of the industry. (Bizzabo)

Product Enhancements: What’s New at eShow?

Floor Plan Design Studio

Revolutionizing the way you design event spaces, the Floor Plan Design Studio brings collaboration to the forefront. With real-time editing, drag-and-drop functionality, and better navigation control, creating an immersive event experience has never been easier. The ability to zoom in/out, interactive search, and branding customization add layers of depth to your event planning toolkit.

Mobile App

Embracing a Mobile-First Strategy, eShow’s redesigned mobile app ensures an enhanced user experience. From personalized itinerary creation to effortless information retrieval, the app is designed to cater to the diverse needs of event attendees. With intuitive floorplan exploration, strategic sponsorship visibility, and timely updates through push notifications, the app becomes an indispensable companion for event-goers.

Not surprisingly, 67.5% of event attendees consider a mobile event app extremely crucial. (Bizzabo)

Sponsorship Fulfillment

In the realm of event planning, efficient sponsorship fulfillment is a game-changer. eShow introduces enhanced features that not only streamline the process but also elevate the experience for both sponsors and clients.

  • Sponsors:
  • Manage Purchases
  • Task Details at a Glance 
  • Effortless File Submission 
  • Progress Tracking Made Simple
  • Automated Confirmations
  • Clients:
  • Track Progress Seamlessly
  • Approve or Reject Task Submissions 
  • Custom Notifications 
  • View Content Submissions by the Sponsor 
  • Centralized Media Collection

Final Thoughts

As we embrace 2024, let eShow be your guide in unleashing the full potential of your events. Access the latest on-demand webinar here where Jimmy Mouton, VP of Sales and Marketing, takes a deep dive into the latest product enhancements with a live demo. Elevate your planning, captivate your audience, and make this year a hallmark of success in event management.

Learn more about how eShow can help level up your next event with a personal demo.

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, trade shows and exhibitions have become a crucial platform for companies to showcase their products and services, network with industry professionals, and generate valuable leads. However, with the multitude of attendees and interactions taking place, effectively capturing and managing leads can be a daunting task. This is where lead retrieval tools come into play, empowering exhibitors to optimize their efforts and maximize their return on investment. In this blog post, we will explore how lead retrieval has emerged as a powerful tool for exhibitors and why it should be an integral part of every trade show strategy.

1. Streamlining Lead Capture:

Traditionally, exhibitors relied on business cards and manual note-taking to collect contact information from potential leads. This approach was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors and inefficiencies. Lead retrieval tools revolutionize this process by providing a seamless and automated way to capture leads. With features like badge scanning or QR code scanning, exhibitors can effortlessly collect attendee information, including name, contact details, company, and job title. This streamlined approach ensures accuracy and enables exhibitors to focus on engaging with prospects, rather than fumbling with paperwork.

2. Real-Time Data Insights:

One of the significant advantages of lead retrieval tools is the ability to access real-time data insights. Exhibitors can instantly access and analyze the captured lead data, providing valuable visibility into the effectiveness of their trade show efforts. Metrics such as the number of leads collected, popular booth visit times, and attendee demographics can help exhibitors make informed decisions and adjust their strategies on the fly. This data-driven approach allows exhibitors to identify hot leads, prioritize follow-ups, and gauge the overall success of their participation.

3. Enhanced Lead Qualification:

Not all leads are created equal. Some may be ready to make a purchasing decision, while others might still be in the exploratory phase. Lead retrieval tools provide exhibitors with advanced lead qualification capabilities, enabling them to categorize leads based on specific criteria. Exhibitors can customize lead qualification forms to capture additional data points or use built-in survey features to gather valuable insights about attendees’ needs and interests. By segmenting leads into different categories, exhibitors can tailor their follow-up strategies and allocate resources more effectively.

4. Efficient Follow-up and Relationship Building:

The true value of lead retrieval tools lies in their ability to streamline the follow-up process. With instant access to contact information and lead insights, exhibitors can promptly reach out to prospects after the event, striking while the iron is hot. Personalized and timely follow-ups demonstrate professionalism and genuine interest, increasing the likelihood of conversion. Additionally, lead retrieval tools often integrate with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, making it seamless to import leads and maintain a centralized database for ongoing nurturing and relationship building.

5. Measurable ROI and Performance Analysis:

Trade show participation involves a significant investment of time, money, and resources. Lead retrieval tools provide exhibitors with a tangible means of measuring their return on investment (ROI). By tracking the number of leads captured, conversions, and revenue generated, exhibitors can evaluate the success of their trade show efforts. Furthermore, these tools offer valuable insights into the performance of individual sales representatives or booth staff, helping exhibitors identify areas for improvement and optimize future participation.


In the fast-paced world of trade shows and exhibitions, lead retrieval has become an indispensable tool for exhibitors. By automating lead capture, providing real-time data insights, enabling enhanced lead qualification, streamlining follow-ups, and facilitating ROI analysis, lead retrieval tools empower exhibitors to make the most out of their trade show investments. As the competitive landscape continues to evolve, exhibitors who harness the power of lead retrieval will gain a distinct advantage in

 generating high-quality leads, nurturing relationships, and ultimately driving business growth.
Learn more about how eShow can help level up your event with attendee detail tracking, Excel reporting, CEU verification and more. Our expert team is ready to find a customizable solution that fits your needs and ensures success at your next show. Generate leads on and off the show floor by booking a personal demo today.

Exhibitor Marketing is a surefire way to generate quality leads and increase brand awareness if done effectively. These industry-specific events allow you to showcase and promote your products to an audience that may have little knowledge of your services. Our industry experts at eShow offer a strategic guide on how to make your next exhibitor marketing campaign one of success.

Lead Retrieval

Lead retrieval is one of the most effective ways to share contact information and network on the event floor that in turn, transitions into qualifying leads. We recommend using a fully integrated lead retrieval system that offers both exhibitors and attendees a universal experience. Our on-the-ground experts equip you with all you need to know for attendee detail tracking, Excel reporting, CEU verification, and more. Self-powered and easy to use, our compact and portable units will help you take entrepreneurship to the next level. 

Show Organizers

Set your next tradeshow up for success with a show organizer designed to optimize your tech stack. Lay the groundwork for long-term growth and expansion by developing a comprehensive strategy and plan of action. Look for a show organizer that provides you with the necessary tools to promote, sell, and manage your next exhibition or trade show. Utilize services like partnership outreach, market research, and more.

Exhibit Sales Management
Exhibitors want technology services that are straightforward and set them apart from the competition. With Exhibit Sales Management, users can easily select booths, add sponsors, and smoothly manage all functions of shopping and finances; they even get access to VEM Exhibitor Analytics for a smart, enhanced experience. Utilize our administrative tools to manage your exhibitors financially (and beyond) with reporting, eBlasts, invoicing, and more.


Connecting to your target audience has become more crucial than ever. Engagement and exposure are at the forefront of exhibitor marketing, and we want to help you incorporate new opportunities for growth and ROI. Gamification has become more prominent over the last few years, and we don’t see it going away anytime soon. Gamification is known to spark engagement and increase lead capture more so than exhibiting booths that do not have activation or gaming features. Get ahead of the curve and integrate SmartMatch technology that will ‘wow’ your audience.

A few steps to ensure success from both exhibitor marketing expenditures and sales success:

  • To ensure your company’s business objectives are incorporated into your trade show sales messages, collateral, product positioning, etc., it’s essential to establish specific, quantifiable goals that you want to achieve. Whether the show is online, in-person, or hybrid, the goals should be measurable and achievable.
  • Once you have established your goals, write and design product and company brochures as well as any other necessary collateral. However, hold off on printing them for now as you may need to update them before the show.
  • Create a pre-show email marketing campaign to inform prospects and customers that you will be exhibiting. Offer them a discount registration code if you have one, and let them know what products or services you will be showcasing at the event. This will help generate interest before the event even starts.
  • After the show, create a post-show email marketing campaign to thank participants for attending and provide them with additional information on your company and products. This is an excellent opportunity to convert leads into customers by offering promotions, discounts or free trials.
  • You should work with your sales team to determine what constitutes a qualified lead and come to an agreement on how the leads will be turned over to sales for immediate follow-up after the show.
  •  Establish clear protocols on how and when leads will be distributed to each salesperson as well as the follow-up process. By doing so, you will ensure that your sales team can effectively convert leads from prospects to customers.

Learn more about how eShow can help level up your exhibitor marketing with a personal demo. Our expert team is ready to find a customizable solution that fits your needs and ensures success at your next show.

For additional helpful resources, check out some industry partners we highly reccomend!

As professional event planners, having a lot on your plate is inevitable and you can’t just rely on memory alone to keep track of all things. That’s why keeping an event checklist with you should be a requirement when planning your next event. An event planning checklist is your personal guide to keeping things organized and avoiding any form of chaos or confusion that may come along your way; especially when managing a handful of events with multiple unique facets.

It’s just as people say, “A pencil is still better than one’s memory”. Missing one task can lead to a ripple effect of things falling apart one by one. An event checklist is your number one tool to avoid any of that. 

Here at eShow, we believe that you can never be too prepared, and being organized is key to planning a seamless event. Have a worry-free planning experience and download the event checklist our event professionals have prepared for you. This customizable checklist makes it easy to compartmentalize all aspects of your event, hassle-free. 

This event template is perfectly designed to help guide you and your team in planning and hosting an event that leaves no stone unturned. Customize this template to fit your next virtual, hybrid, or in-person event. 

Industry experts have spoken and we’re here to give you a sneak peek at what trends to expect to ensure successful events in the new year. 

As we recover from the global pandemic that caused an immediate halt to the events industry, we have discovered and adapted to alternative learning methods that have opened new doors of opportunity and growth. 

With this newfound hope on the horizon, we will continue to see rapid advancements that would have otherwise taken years to reach without the destruction of Covid-19.

Take a look at the projected shifts in the events industry as we buckle in for a year of resilience and growth.

Eco-Friendly Events

As we work towards minimizing our carbon footprint for a more sustainable future, it comes as no surprise that environmentally conscious events are on the rise even more so than previous years.

In 2023 we will not only see many events encouraging reusable solutions but many suppliers will only offer sustainable products going forward. Event badges are a prime example of a new outlook on sustainability. Previously, planners may have opted for the hard plastic stock as it was more appealing. Now, planners look to decrease their carbon footprint and waste post-show by seeking options for economically friendly attendee badges

While we hope to see other businesses follow suit, we recognize the topic of sustainability may come as a learning curve and it is our civic duty to educate and guide others in their efforts.

The IBM Institute for Business Value conducted a survey in February of 2022 that 16,000 global consumers found that 51% of respondents say environmental sustainability is more important to them today than it was the prior year.

Virtual-Only is Out

The popularity of virtual events flooded the market during the rise of Covid-19 but with regulations lifting, event professionals are thriving on the inclusivity and accessibility that hybrid events offer.

The hybrid event model incorporates elements from both in-person and virtual events to help strengthen engagement across the board.

A study conducted by Airmeet states just one-third of virtual events are engaging. Further confirming the need for value, intimacy, and quality.

Industry experts suggest that any events going forward offer a hybrid model for many reasons besides just ease of access. With a financial crisis underway and inflation rising, the new generation of event planners are pushing the hybrid model forward in hopes of minimizing expenses that in-person events require.

Shifting from Content Driven to Experience Focused

The appetite for experiential events has only grown and we’re no longer satisfied by content-focused events that don’t deliver a memorable and personalized experience. 

Decide what content is ‘worth it.’ We’ve all experienced an event that has put us to sleep a time or two. What do experiential events look like? Attendees want to look back at your event and be able to recall specific moments that sparked connection or knowledge. Whether it’s the minute details of a sound or smell, create a space that feels inviting and immersive. 

Think of some of these ways to make it memorable:

  • Interactive food and beverage stations (Health code compliant of course!)
  • Signature-infused water stations
  • Memory building stations such as 360-degree photo booths, GIF stations
  • Location Inspired kick-offs

Long Term cognitive effects on attendees from a wow experience will develop stronger retention for return attendees, so the extra spend and effort is always worth it!

Strengthening Cybersecurity

As technology continues to advance, the dire need of quality privacy and data protection increases. As we enter 2023, event professionals are gearing up with cybersecurity to stay well-protected but also remain within budget guidelines.

According to Cybersecurity Ventures, the world is expected to take a hit of $8 trillion USD in global cybercrime damage costs for 2023. To add to the growing list of things planners need to account for, be sure to check your vendors for ample security guidelines. 

  • Do your event websites provide fail-safe methods to protect attendee data?
  • How secure are their servers?
  • Am I sacrificing security for the gain in design or ease of production?

Don’t let your organization fall victim to a successful data breach. We will see an increasing number of businesses providing education services and training about the threat posed from cybercrime.

Technology will Continue to Advance Drastically

It’s no secret technology is developing at a lightning speed. The virtual and hybrid model allows us to experiment and break barriers like never before.

AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) have been testing the waters and we will soon see it enter the market in 2023, bringing new life to the events world. 

The global AR/VR smart glasses market is projected to grow by $7297.59M between 2023 and 2027.

While innovative times lie ahead, we’re also incorporating solutions to simplify tech for a more user-friendly experience. People are tired of code-heavy and time-consuming systems. Expect to see more approachable event platforms with streamlined processes to ease organization and setup, as well as long-term use and functionality. eShow is a great example of an efficient and holistic event management system, compiling multiple modules and needs under one system. Once you go to an all-in-one system and ditch the API’s, you’ll never go back!

Tighter Budgets

As the cost of living increases and inflation surges, budgets will be revised with a fine-toothed comb. Moving forward, lack of financial discipline could be detrimental.

The projected cost per attendee in 2023 is forecasted to be 32% higher in comparison to 2019.

Having a strategic approach that aligns with your company’s objectives will be a crucial step of survival over the coming months. The increase in demand poses no threat, but profitability is where the question lies.

Analyze your event requirements, attendee needs and the “fluff” stuff to see where you can cut corners. A well-planned event worksheet with budget allocation is a great tool when analyzing your details. 

Increase of Health and Wellness Activities 

The health and wellness movement has taken the event industry by storm and we don’t expect it to leave any time soon. 

The pursuit of wellness is at the forefront of many of our personal lives and it’s finally being recognized in the professional world. 

This year we can expect to see planners integrating wellness practices into their programs for both team members and attendees. Flexible working, team-building exercises, and access to counseling have all skyrocketed in recent years.

Including breaks for yoga, massages, meditation or even smoothie stations has shown to increase the satisfaction of attendees, and decrease the likelihood of being completely drained.

What 2023 Event Trends will you be Implementing?

We believe these trends will dominate the market over the next year and we want to give you a head start. Stay ahead of the competition and capitalize on these trends-  they won’t stand still for long. 

Start the new year off strong with eShow. We offer a full suite of options for live, virtual, and hybrid events. Our team of experts will help you curate the perfect package for your needs. Contact us today to request a demo and learn more about how we can help take your event planning to a whole new level.

If you’re planning an event near the holidays, have you considered how you’ll handle the culinary aspect of the event (that is, if you are planning to offer food and drink)?  If you’re not planning to treat attendees to gastronomic delights, there’s something you should know. According to a survey of 2,000 Americans, food is the second most important factor people consider when deciding to attend any type of event — more important than both the quality of the speakers/performers and who else is attending. 62% of the respondents would go to an event just for the food, and 77% say food is important when attending any public event. So, as an event manager, you’d be wise not to make food an afterthought.

Budget Considerations

The way you handle the food aspect of your event will be part of your branding, so when making your menu selections be creative and bold. Don’t be afraid to take risks. You don’t want to simply fill attendees’ bellies or choose the most affordable option.

Of course, the budget should be considered (you can’t serve lobster on a bologna budget), but to make the most of your food budget, aim to make food a part of the overall immersive event experience.

Here are some affordable ways to offer a fun and memorable food experience:

  • Interactivity:  If you’ve visited a bd’s Mongolian Grill restaurant, you know how much fun it is to participate in the preparation of your meal. Offer “create-your-own” stations for salads, sundaes, etc.  Include healthy and vegan options for attendees with dietary restrictions.
  • Buffet style/Food stations:  Plated dinners are often more expensive (servers have to be paid) than budget-friendly options like serving buffet-style or offering specialty food stations. Create interest by having each station centered around a theme or cuisine.
  • Dessert-only:  Don’t feel that you have to offer a full meal. Depending on the time of your event, a spread of desserts and beverages (coffee, tea, sparkling water) will work nicely. A chocolate fountain with yummy things to dip (fruit, cookies, marshmallows) is always a crowd favorite. Or, how about a spread of traditional holiday desserts (Yule log cake, pfeffernusse, gingerbread cookies)

Keep it Safe

With conference-style events, attendees usually don’t eat while the event is in progress. They eat before, after, or during a break in the program. Since everyone is eating at once, crowds will likely form around the food-serving areas. To avoid over congested areas, you want to ensure that your layout allows for splitting the crowd up. Having multiple food stations is a great way to do this.  During the planning process, incorporate spatial planning tools such as eShow’s Exhibit Sales & Floor Plan Management module to simplify all of your floor plan tasks.

Add an extra layer of protection by having all servers wear masks and using signs that direct attendees to wait until the current person is served before approaching serving tables.

Selecting a Caterer

If you’ve settled on an event near the holidays, keep in mind that this is a busy time for caterers, so you’ll need to book as far in advance as possible.  Using your venue’s on-site food service is another option but often more expensive than bringing in your own caterer.

When working with a caterer, the following will help you cover all of your bases to ensure that everything goes smoothly:

Contract:  Make sure you have a detailed, signed contract that includes your menu, costs, a list of expected tasks (i.e., who will be responsible for cleaning up the food serving areas?), the layout of the event space, and the day’s schedule (so the caterer knows when you expect food to be served).

Dietary Restrictions:  Although you won’t know about all of your attendees’ dietary restrictions ahead of the event, ask the caterer to include vegetarian/vegan options within the menu. (On event day, have these options clearly marked).

Vendor Contact List:  If you’ll use multiple vendors to supply your treats, it’s a good idea to create a list of all vendors along with the names and phone numbers of all points of contact. 

Walk-Through:  If food stations are part of your event’s food experience, if feasible, have the caterer visit the venue to get a sense of how everything should be efficiently and safely set up.

Don’t Forget Virtual Attendees

If you’re planning a virtual or hybrid event, all attendees can still be part of the culinary experience, even if they don’t attend in person. If your event’s food offerings are centered around a theme, send food gift baskets with that same theme to the virtual attendees. Or, partner with a food retailer to obtain gift cards/coupons (hopefully at a discount or gratis) in exchange for promotion in your event advertisement.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know that event attendees place food high on the importance scale, you need to ensure that their dining experience is just as enjoyable as other parts of the event. You don’t need a massive budget to accomplish this. Creativity and resourcefulness will go a long way in satisfying attendees’ taste buds in a way that they’ll remember.  

For health and safety precautions, insist that all food servers wear masks. Ensure the comfort of all by devising a plan to safely distance attendees in the dining space. Let eShow’s interactive Exhibit Sales & Floor Plan Management module help you make the most of your venue layout. You’ll see ahead of time how best to set up food stations for efficient and safe serving.

At eShow,  we have everything you need for a successful and memorable event all under one “roof.” From planning to execution, we’re with you every step of the way. Contact us today for a no-obligation demo, and let us show you why we’re the “go-to” supplier for event management.

It’s no secret that in recent years, the increasing number of remote workers has risen exponentially. As we enter this new wave of learning, we are no doubt faced with some unique challenges to navigate along the way. 

Holiday parties serve as a celebration of company milestones, recognition, and the opportunity to create a sense of community within your organization. But how do we share that same feeling of inclusion with our remote employees?

Sending out a quick company-wide zoom link won’t cut it this holiday season. Follow these tips and tricks to make this year’s Worksgiving one of inclusion and remembrance. 

Include Remote Employees in the Party Planning Process

Today’s technology makes it relatively easy for everyone in the workplace to collaborate and share ideas. Brainstorm different themes, activities, prizes, and other interactive ways to create an inclusive environment for both remote and in-office employees. 

Send out a company-wide email to pitch ideas/activities and ask who might want to lead them. This allows everyone to contribute and share their preferences. Remember, not everyone celebrates the same traditional holidays. Make sure to welcome diversity by considering different traditions to create an inviting space for everyone. 

Ask employees what they liked/disliked from previous celebrations. Feedback is always likely to curate a better experience moving forward. Keep in mind the different time zones of remote employees. Try your best to be considerate of scheduling conflicts and work around office hours. 

Connect In-Person and Remote Employees Through a Gift Exchange 

Gift exchanges are a great addition to any holiday celebration and help encourage employee participation across the board. Randomly assign coworkers a person for the exchange. This is a deliberate way of connecting people from outside departments. You might be thinking, I don’t know this person’s likes or interests. How do I shop for someone I don’t know personally? Consider sending out a questionnaire for employees to list 2-3 of their interests. This will lend guidance to everyone who might be struggling in the gift-giving department.

Remember to set a monetary cap that everyone is comfortable with. This will keep things light and enjoyable for all participants. Give plenty of notice and make sure addresses are up to date. Delays in shipping can occur, especially with remote employees across seas. 

Join the excitement of watching everyone open their gifts through a video conference with the whole team. Get to know your recipient better and build a work culture that you’re proud to be a part of.

Encourage Dressing Up

We’ve all heard the saying ‘Look good, feel good.’ Studies have shown the relationship between clothing and mood play a bigger role on the psyche than we might think. Just because this year’s holiday party is taking place in the comfort of your living room doesn’t mean you can’t express yourself through clothing. Themed dress codes are an easy way to boost energy and morale. Consider implementing an ugly sweater contest. This is a sure way to spark discussion, even through the lens of a video call.

Formal or not, wear what makes you feel your best self and who knows, it might even be a conversation starter!

Get creative and share food remotely

What’s a Worksgiving without the company of delectable food and drinks? How do we share this experience with remote employees? 

Just because you don’t have the luxury of sitting side by side at a dining table doesn’t mean it’s impossible to incorporate something palate-pleasing to enjoy with others. Consider adopting a recipe from a fellow colleague to share. Maybe someone will introduce a tasty pumpkin pie recipe. Try your hand in baking and host a breakout session where participants can enjoy their pie in the company of others.

Create Employee Spotlights

Employee recognition is a huge part of a healthy work environment. Company celebrations are a great way to highlight growth and commemorate accomplishments. I think we’ve all sat through a PowerPoint presentation that has nearly put us to sleep a time or two. Don’t let that be the case this holiday season. Remote workers are relying on engaging content to keep their attention. 

Many of us remember the ‘Most Likely to’ awards in high school that promoted individualism and boosted some egos. Consider implementing something similar, while recognizing important milestones along the way. This keeps the ambience upbeat and showcases personalities in an entertaining manner. Keep the content appropriate and focus on positive character traits. Consider highlighting one or two people from each department. This will lessen the chances of repeatedly recognizing the same people and help foster a more inclusive environment.

Build Community and Culture 

Wrap up this year’s worksgiving with a sense of community and belonging. At eShow, we’re here to make your next holiday celebration one to remember. We offer a full suite of options for live, virtual, and hybrid events. Our team of experts will help you curate the perfect package for your needs. Contact us today to request a demo and learn more about how we can help take your event planning to a whole new level.

As an event planner, you know just how vital sponsorships can be. The right sponsor can provide you with the financial backing you need to “wow” your attendees while also lending credibility to your event. While this is certainly nothing new, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted sponsor relationships. 

In the past, event sponsors have readily paid large sums of money to advertise their brands at in-person events. Now that many events are held in a hybrid or virtual-only format, event managers must find creative ways to nurture sponsor relationships and provide them with the exposure they need to meet their objectives. Not sure where to start? Take a look at these seven strategies. 

1. Website and App Branding

When hosting virtual or hybrid events, you’ll want to give your sponsor plenty of opportunities to get their brand in front of attendees. The good news is, most sponsors understand the value of digital advertising.

As you plan your event, consider adding branded splash pages to the event website and pop-up ads or banners during your live streams. You should also add each of your sponsor’s logos on your event’s mobile app. You can also link the sponsor’s logo to their website or social media page, driving even more traffic to their desired location. 

To add even more value, consider allowing your sponsors to add gated materials to your event website. Not only can this position them as a thought leader, but since attendees will need to enter their email address to access the material, it will also provide your sponsor with valuable leads. 

2. Inclusion In All Communications

When promoting your event, communication is key. You’ll want to reach out to your attendees via email, text message, or even postal mail. You may also frequently post about the event on your social media platforms and private groups.

Whenever possible, be sure to include your sponsor’s name and logo. This ensures they’re getting maximum exposure in the weeks and months leading up to the event.  

3. Branded Breakout Sessions

If you have a top-notch virtual event management platform, you can easily include breakout sessions between speakers. This is a great way to improve attendee engagement, and it also gives you another opportunity to promote your sponsor.

Consider including sponsored entertainment, free downloads, special offers, and other exclusive perks that attendees can only get by attending these sessions.

4. Sponsored Speaking Opportunities

For many sponsors, the opportunity to speak directly with attendees is an incredibly valuable proposition. This gives them the chance to come face-to-face (virtually) with your audience, so that they can introduce their company and the products or services they want to promote in their desired way.

Providing a speaking opportunity is also a great way to drive revenue. Direct contact with the audience is a selling point that will significantly boost the value of your highest sponsorship levels.

One word of warning, though. If you’re going to offer a speaking opportunity, you need to be confident that the sponsor will bring a skilled speaker. Otherwise, it may be better to show sponsored videos and intros before each presentation instead. If the sponsor doesn’t want to speak, they could also host a panel or be a panelist instead.  

5. Branded Giveaways

Everyone loves free stuff, so offering branded giveaways is a win-win. If cost is an issue, consider offering branded digital swag bags. This could include free online courses, free trials for digital products or services, amazon gift cards, or other digital giveaways.

You could also surprise attendees with home delivery of physical swag bags or other branded items. For example, a bottle of wine or nonperishable snacks with branded labels would be perfect for a virtual happy hour.

6. Sponsored Games

Gamification is an increasingly popular way to improve attendee engagement. It’s also a great way to connect your sponsors with your audience. There are many ways to incorporate sponsor branding into games. This can be as simple as adding their logo to the game platform or offering prizes from the sponsor.

7. Virtual Store

Depending on the nature of your event, you may consider adding a virtual store. It is a unique approach that would allow your sponsors to showcase and sell their products easily. You could also offer souvenir-type products related to your event. Attendees may enjoy the opportunity to get their hands on exclusive items, and both you and your sponsors will have an opportunity to make instant profits.

Building Long-Term Sponsor Relationships with Your Sponsors

While the strategies above will help you offer value to your sponsors, that’s only part of the equation. You’ll also need to make sure you maintain your relationships with your sponsors. Start by making sure you reach out to them periodically throughout the year – not just when you need something from them. 

Please keep them in the loop about any significant changes or updates within the hosting organization. It’s also a great idea to occasionally check-in to ensure they’re still getting what they need out of the relationship and ask for suggestions or feedback.

Nurturing relationships with your sponsors is an ongoing process that requires a bit of effort. However, the payoff is huge! Once you’ve established a strong relationship with your sponsors and have shown that you can offer actual value in all event formats, you’ll find that it’s much easier to bring them back for future events.

Create Sponsorship-Worthy Events 

Sponsorships should be a mutually beneficial solution. To keep your event sponsors happy, you’ll need to make sure they feel that they’ve received sufficient value for their money. Not only does this require you to provide them with plenty of brand exposure, but you’ll also need to ensure you create a well-organized and value-driven event that your sponsors will be proud to be a part of.eShow provides all the tools you need to plan and execute top-notch events. From increasing event engagement to managing all of your event logistics and following up with leads, we can support you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn about your options and schedule a customized demo.